Computer Modeling
LCA Environmental, Inc. provides detailed computer visualization for communication between interested parties. We utilize several computer visualization programs to animate fate and transport time sequence contaminant migration, and predict contaminant distribution between and outside of discrete sampling points. LCA also utilizes numeric models such as the Johnson Ettinger model for vapor intrusion. We often provide third-party oversight of other firms’ work. This may be a situation where LCA’s client is not in control of the activity (i.e., the company doing the environmental work is being paid by another party) but has a very keen interest in how the work is performed and the outcome. LCA also oversees work as an independent observer, as in representing a regulatory agency.
Expert Witness
All of LCA’s Principals are experienced as expert witnesses. The disciplines represented in an environmental consulting context are Certified Public Accountant, Professional Engineer, and Professional Geoscientist. LCA has worked with and for attorneys since the inception of the firm. This work takes the form of expert witnessing from time to time, but more routinely, involves reviewing scientific or engineering reports and advising the attorney regarding the technical strengths and weaknesses of the methodology and conclusions in the reports. LCA is also well-versed in regulatory aspects and has a professional business perspective that is extremely helpful to clients’ legal advisors.

Lead-Based Paint
Litigation Support

Property Investigations & Third-Party Oversight
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