Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
LCA Environmental, Inc. is registered with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) as a leaking petroleum storage tank (LPST) Corrective Action Specialist (CAS) and has several licensed Corrective Action Project Managers (CAPMs) on staff.
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
The TDLR exercises authority over asbestos, lead-based paint, and indoor mold consulting and contracting. Practitioners are required to be licensed as individuals and as companies. LCA Environmental, Inc. holds firm licenses as an Asbestos Consultant Agency, Mold Assessment Company, and Asbestos Laboratory. Our full-time staff has numerous individual TDLR licenses.

Texas Railroad Commission (TRC)
LCA Environmental, Inc. works with the Texas Railroad Commission to keep our clients in compliance with its regulations. The Texas Railroad Commission exercises authority over petroleum pipelines and oil and gas exploration and production properties. The TRC has its own internal environmental group with a cleanup program patterned after the TCEQ’s Voluntary Cleanup Program.
US Army Corps of Engineers
LCA Environmental, Inc. provides consulting for regulatory compliance with The United States Army Corps of Engineers, which exercises jurisdiction over waters of the U.S. and all associated wetlands. We conduct wetland delineations per USCOE guidance. Individual USCOE district offices exercise considerable control over how wetland work is performed in the respective district.

US Environmental Protection Agency
LCA Environmental, Inc. provides consulting and support for regulatory compliance with federal EPA programs. Most states, particularly Texas, are delegated states. This means that a state environmental agency, for instance, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), administers federal EPA programs. EPA approved the All Appropriate Inquiry standard in late 2005. This became the central aspect of the ASTM E1527-05 standard for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. Texas environmental regulations may be more stringent than federal standards but may not be less stringent.
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